SB Oscillograph

~ SB Oscillograph
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It is real digital oscillograph. Your sound cart can give 16 digital bits, and has two independent channels. It's great, it gives about 150 microvolt precision level. Frequence limit isn't hight, no more then 44100 Hz, but in many case it is enough.

This program can help you to make different measurements or scientific explorations. It can receive data from SB, show them like the oscillograph, save digital data in text file or just copy them to the clipboard for any other calculating program.


Just run instalation program, read the license, if you agree, select destination folder and press "setup" button. That's all. Also you can, just copy oscil.exe -- about 20 Kb.

Controls and output

Program works with four streams of data. First and second are just source SB data without any adaptation. 44100 points per second. Left SB channel as X, and right channel as Y. Program stores only small part of full source SB data. To store big array of data advansed third and fourth streams are destined. They are acamulating channels. They can be filled with average, or with selected date. It can begin immediatle or by the front of signal. You can choose number of points in stream, time per point, how to acamulate points (average or just skip), loop stream or fill it one time only, etc.
  You can watch different graphics. Just X(t),Y(t). Like on the oscillograph you can select X+Y(t), X-Y(t), Y(X). Unlike oscillograph, you can watch many graphcs in the same time. May be sometimes Y(X) graphic has too many different lines, and it's drawing for too long. So, if you want to watch Y(X) don't select many points for stream. If you want to get Y(X) and select start by front mode, you can select synhronisation, start one channel with other. Advanced features of this program is spectrum of signal. It is real frequnce's spectrum calculated from first points of selected source chanel. Spectrum conversion is slovly operation, but two mode are precent. By default fast mode is seleted, but you may chouse precision mode.

Hot keys

  • Use [+][-][*][/] keys to change scale
  • Or use pushed left mouse button to select scaled rect
  • Use just click of left mouse button to select full range
  • Use [Up][Down][Left][Right][Home][End][PgDn][PgUp] keys to scroll, or use scrollbars
  • To save one graphic or to copy one graphic into clipboard move mouse pointer, on this graphic (name of pointed graphic will be in the caption) and press right mouse button. Choose action from popup menu.

    Plug in

    If you have low level signals, no problem, you can direct connect it to SB, e.g to AUX input. AUX connector has common ground and left and right channels.
    . ! . | |
    Push right mouse button on the volume setting in the tool bar. In the menu select "Volume controls". In the window's menu select "Options". Choose "record". And select AUX or mixer as input channels.
    To measure different signals your need division scheme befor SB input. Here is an easy scheme for plug in one channel. To plug in two channels your need two equal scheme, like this.
                          ,-----------------------> USB
                          |    To  Sound card ,---O
                          |                   |
                   |------|                   |
                   |      |         R3        |
    |     R1      R2      |                   |  GND
    |                     |                   |
    |                     '---|>L----J<|------|
    |                         VD1    VD2      |
    ^   Uin   Input   signal, one channel.    ^
      Resisters R1,R2,R3 are dividers. Variable resister R2 is to change devision rate. R1 is to restrict devision. SB will be measure voltage on R3.
    USB = Uin*R3/(R1+R2+R3)
    USB must be in range (-5..5V).
    To prevent voltage out of range two stabilitrons VD1 and VD2 included. Voltage stabilition must be about 4.4V e.g. 1N3995, BZX29C4V7, GLA47A, MZ4A, ZEC4.7, etc.

    Best regards, Max Feoktistov
    E- mail: